Students of the master’s degree in radiological protection of the Polytechnic University of Valencia visit Cofrentes as part of their training process.

On 3 May, a group of students of the Master’s Degree in Radiation Protection of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) visited the facilities of the Cofrentes nuclear power plant as part of the course programme, which provides for participants to receive training as professionals in the field of radiation protection in order to acquire general, specific and advanced knowledge necessary for the correct performance of activities in the nuclear field.
This initiative has been made possible thanks to the collaboration agreement that Iberdrola Generación Nuclear signed with the UPV in 2012 for the holding of this visit, aimed at university personnel interested in acquiring knowledge on radiological protection, as well as personnel who carry out supervisory tasks at radioactive and nuclear facilities.
During their stay at the plant, the students were accompanied by staff from the Radiation Protection Service, who provided them with information on the daily activities carried out, facilitating visits to the instrumentation calibration laboratories and areas equipped with measuring equipment and processes. In addition, the group had the opportunity to visit the reactor and fuel buildings, where they were able to see the refuelling plant and the spent fuel storage pools.
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Students of the Master’s Degree in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of the Polytechnic University of Valencia visit the Cofrentes power plant.
Students of the Master's Degree in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of the Polytechnic University of Valencia visit the Cofrentes power plant.
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