
Learn more about the technical terms used in the industry and necessary to understand how energy is generated in a nuclear power plant.

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There are currently 10 glosarioING in this directory beginning with the letter I.

Unforeseen event that has few implications, if any, outside the site. (See "Accident".)

Industrial radiography
Technique that makes it possible to obtain images of an object when it is traversed by X-rays. By extension, it also applies irrespective of the type of ionising radiation used.

The International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) is a work tool that enables the incidents and accidents that occur in nuclear sites to be catalogued in a homogeneous manner. It is divided into seven levels, in ascending order of severity, which correspond to specific characteristics. In addition, the scale is used to inform the public quickly and consistently about the meaning of the events that take place in nuclear sites in terms of safety.

Phenomenon whereby a radioactive substance existing in the environment enters the human body by inhalation, ingestion, through the skin, etc.

Internal/external exposure
The human body's exposure to external or internal sources.

Atom or group of atoms which, through losing or gaining one or more electrons, has acquired an electric charge.

Ionising radiations
Generic name used to denote corpuscular or electromagnetic radiation which either directly or indirectly produces ions in its interaction with matter.

Subjecting a material or living creature to the action of radiation.

Isomeric transition
For a nucleus, going from an excited state to a lower level one, by emitting the excess energy as gamma radiation.

Each of the different nuclides which have the same atomic number (number of protons) and, therefore, belong to the same chemical element, but which differ from each other as regards the number of neutrons.