The nuclear power plant of Cofrentes performs its annual emergency simulation

Panoramic photo of the Cofrentes nuclear power plant

Cofrentes nuclear power plant has made between 10:30 and 15:30 hours on 20 September, the mandatory annual simulacrum of Internal Plan of Emergency (PEI) of the installation.

The exercise, which has been developed entirely under the supervision of the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, has been based on the simulation of an external intrusion which required running in parallel with the means of fire and safety measures Physics, aimed to protect the installation against acts of sabotage.

Under assumptions of this scenario, central has declared the general emergency category, according to its Plan of internal emergency, performing successfully all postulated mitigation actions.

During the course of the simulation various organizations have been activated, establishing lines of communication with the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear through SALEM II (alternative emergency room of the CSN in Torrejón de Ardoz), the subdelegation of the Government in Valencia with the CECOP (operational coordination centre), and the emergency support center (CAE) located in Madrid. Also participated the Guardia Civil agents, professionals of the Valencian Provincial fire Consortium, and Iberdrola from outside support center.  Personnel involved in this exercise from the Organization of Cofrentes NPP has been more than 400 people, of whom a quarter has actively participated in actions for the recovery of the simulated situation, during which is It gave priority to the care and evacuation of wounded from the site.

Once confirmed the safe plant condition, the simulation has concluded successfully.

The realization of these simulacrum allow emergency response organization-wide keep prepared, formed and fully operational in any situation, at the time that identify areas and opportunities for improvement to move towards greater effectiveness and safety of the installation.


emegency simulation